Fighting For The Underdogs In Commercial Property Tax Appeals

Many businesses in Minnesota and throughout the Midwest have reduced costs by retrofitting and remodeling their buildings with energy efficient technology. The reduction in energy waste and smaller energy bills are highly attractive for any company’s bottom line.

Business owners are constantly looking for other ways to increase profitability by reducing costs. One often-overlooked cost savings tool is the appropriate leveraging of Section 179D energy tax benefits.

Industry experts say that only 1 percent of eligible businesses take 179D tax benefits for past projects. The 179D Federal Energy Tax Deduction can be up to $1.80 per square foot, which adds up quickly.

Properties Covered for 179D Deductions

These types of property tax deductions are available for the following types of buildings:

  • Commercial buildings of any size
  • Apartment buildings that are over 4 stories high and leased
  • Commercial renovations
  • Retrofits of government-owned buildings

Benefits are retroactive for projects placed into service between 2006 and 2014.

The tax code is known for its complexity and exceptions, so speak with one of the property tax experts at Robert Hill Law before making any decisions on your property tax strategy. Call us at 612-355-8180