Can You Afford Not To File For Tax Abatement In Colorado?
So many people trust in the property value assessments they receive. They don’t think twice about it. But few people realize that their assessment could be as high as 50 percent above its actual value.
An abatement is the process of obtaining reimbursements for overages paid due to unfairly high tax assessments. The process in Colorado is simpler and much cheaper than most people think. Considering the relative ease and low cost of filing for an abatement, many Colorado residents cannot afford not to file.
Our attorney, Robert Hill, has a wealth of experience examining every process of property tax evaluations, including:
- Improper valuations
- The various methods of valuation used
- Market values and how they are determined
- The impact of volatile market conditions and economic obsolescence (EO) on a property’s value
- Supply and demand principles
- The abatement process
In the attached White Paper, entitled “Tax Abatement: You Can’t Afford Not to Challenge Your Property Taxes in Colorado,” we discuss all of these principles and more. Read the white paper to learn more about how you could save up to half of what you’ve been paying in residential or commercial property taxes.